Hey, hey, hey, hey, run for your life


Summer is officially hot and bothered. The ebb and flow of the first six months of 2024 have all come to this… For the upteenth billionth time, I wish us millennials weren’t having to experience and live through more “unprecedented” times. Sigh.

I gotta put my poli.sci minor to good use for a second.

Why is it that every election year since 2021 feels like a walk to the gallows?

From the satisfying but albeit useless conviction of number 45 to the successful coup of the Supreme Court and its latest asinine ruling, democracy and freedom are literally at stake.

Wild how we never needed presidential criminal immunity until we had a criminal for a president.

This SCOTUS should be impeached.

They’ve overturned 40 years of environmental protection, 50 years of the right to abortion, 60 years of Affirmative Action, & now 248 years of limited POTUS power.

And now we’ve got the latest Biden panic after that unwatchable, deflating presidential debate. Oh, and it’s also a crime to be homeless but a president won’t be jailed for “official acts” i.e. planning assassinations and January 6th.

SCOTUS can no longer be trusted to uphold the Constitution.

Not to mention Project 2025, or the Presidential Transition Plan, is so real a thing it made its way to the forefront of culture at the BET Awards. Host and actress Taraji P. Henson successfully got it trending on Google after urging guests and watchers to look it up, educate themselves and vote.



Wow... What a Whirlwind of a Weekend


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