How to be a Happy Millennial: A Mindset Shift

Happy starts with you.

Hi, new friend and (hopefully) longtime listener! I couldn’t sleep because I had so many words and ideas floating around my brain last night. Instead of just talking to myself via podcast (and sometimes out loud on the Bart), I decided to craft this Medium account and write my thoughts out. Maybe they’ll go away… most likely not. 

But ultimately I hope some of these bad millennial musings are helpful, interesting, funny, moving, relatable… all the things! Read on for some late night thoughts I had on shifting your mindset, especially during hard and complex times like these, to become a happy millennial.

Happiness comes from our perception, not our reality. 

Happiness is a state of mind, and as a bad millennial, you have the power to shape that state. In a world where everything often feels overwhelming, it’s essential to recognize that your happiness is rooted in your perception of the world, not in what the world gives you. 

Focus on Gratitude: 

Take a moment each day to reflect on the things you are thankful for. It could be as simple as the sun shining, a great podcast, or supportive friends. Practicing gratitude can rewire your brain to focus on the positive.

Embrace the Power of the Mind: 

Mindfulness is about being present in the moment, rather than worrying about the past or the future. You can find happiness in the small, everyday things. Try meditation, zoning out with your favorite messy reality shows, or even just spending a few minutes paying close attention and appreciating what you find in your everyday surroundings.

Define Your Own Success: 

Don’t let societal pressures define your success. The world is always trying to tell us that you need to accomplish specific milestones to be happy, especially by the time you’ve reached a certain big, round number. Instead, set your own standards of success. Reflect on what genuinely matters to you, invest in yourself, and pursue it! Do it!

Connect with Others: 

Millennials often are criticized for being too connected online, but genuine connections are actually essential for happiness. Foster deep and meaningful relationships. Take the time to have face-to-face interactions (not just FaceTime), build a support system, and surround yourself with people who uplift you, no expectations attached.

Embrace Learning for Life: 

The world is constantly evolving, especially online, and as a millennial you have the opportunity to adapt and thrive. Embrace learning as a lifelong journey for your own personal growth. Pursue your interests, expand your knowledge, and never ever stop learning because life will never stop teaching. 

Quotes like “Life is the teacher which gives us the opportunity to learn new things each and every day” and “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving” — Albert Einstein, exist for a reason.

Practice Self-Compassion: 

It’s easy to be self-critical, especially when social media showcases others’ curated ‘successes’. Instead of comparing yourself to others, practice self-compassion. Treat yourself with kindness. Take time to understand yourself. And know that it’s okay to make mistakes—just be sure to learn from them. 

Find (Your) Purpose: 

Happiness often blooms when you have a sense of purpose. Identify what matters most to you and how you can make a positive impact. Make each day feel meaningful by lining up your actions with your purpose—whether that’s by volunteering, being creative in what you’re passionate in, or setting personal goals.

How you view the world is how you find your happiness. Being a happy millennial is all about shifting your mindset and taking control of your own happiness. 

So, take the first step towards a happier you, and embrace the power of your own perception!


A Bad Millennial Wrap Up for 2023


Embracing the Bad Millennial in Me